3B Scientific - page 20-21

Lumbar Puncture
Heart and Lung Sounds
ECG Training
Heart Catheterisation
Life/form® Pediatric Lum-
bar Puncture Simulator
This Life/form® Paediatric
Lumbar Puncture Simulator repre-
sents a 10-12 month old infant
placed in a left lateral decubitus po-
sition with the neck and knees
flexed, approximating the necessary
foetal position. The embedded iliac
crest offers exceptional realism,
while removable spine, spinal canal
and skin pad make training simple
and hassle free. Lumbar puncture
may be performed in the L3-L4, L4-L5, or L5-S1 spaces. The correct site can be
located by palpating the ilia crest and spine. A small „give“ will be felt as the
spinal needle is advanced slowly into the proper space. Fluid will flow when
the needle is in proper position. Students will appreciate the opportunity to
practice this delicate but commonly preformed procedure on a simulator that
is both appealing and anatomically accurate.
Child Heart and Lungs Sound Trainer
This self-contained heart and lung sound
generator delivers site-specific heart and
lung sounds typical of a four year old child. Use any
stethoscope in the normal auscultation site for pae-
diatric assessment to listen as the lung and heart
speakers mimic actual sounds. The unit can be run
from either a conventional PC using your mouse
and monitor, or through the special handheld re-
mote. An external speaker jack allows you to broad-
cast sounds to the entire classroom, or you can use
it for audible testing of more than one student at a
time. Classroom broadcasts of speakers/sounds in
specific locations allow students to hear precise
sound anomalies encountered when they auscultate
the manikin. No programming required. Simply plug in, attach your USB mouse
and monitor cable, and point and click your way to student excellence in lung
and heart sound knowledge.
ECG Training Vest
ECG arrhythmia recognition exercises are usually performed on a manikin or by
attaching the monitor directly to an ECG Simulator. The new Simulaids ECG
Training Vest offers an inexpensive way to communicate with a live patient
while monitoring. There is no need to use a high fidelity simulator; the volun-
teer wears this vest. The vest is manufactured from a flesh coloured fabric with
four-lead monitoring capability. The vest can be hooked up to the ECG Simulator
that resides in a pocket designed to hold the simulator. The patient or the in-
structor has access to the rhythm control buttons. This access allows them to
select the next rhythm to be practiced. The ECG Training Vest includes the inter-
active ECG Simulator. The vest contains no electrical energy and is not for defi-
brillation practice.
Heart Catherisation
Now you can train resi-
dents and staff in the techniques
of performing central venous cath-
eterisation using the TPN Simula-
tor. All appropriate landmarks are
palpable for realistic identification
of insertion sites. Synthetic skin
may be removed from the shoul-
der to reveal dissected muscula-
ture and location of veins, arteries, and other landmarks. With the skin in place,
you can actually insert the needle introducer. The tactile sensation is amazingly
realistic. Artificial blood is connected to provide confirmation of proper needle
location when “blood” flows from the needle, just like the real thing! Venous
catheters can be snaked into place once the introducer is properly inserted. Use
of a Swan-Ganz catheter is possible. Skin and veins will stand up to repeated
puncture to allow training by dozens of staff members. The skin and veins are
easily replaced once worn. Also practise proper care of the puncture site and
parenteral administration of fluids. Practise measuring central venous pressure.
Bandaging techniques can be practised with no fear of infection or other harm
to a patient. In emergency medical training programs, practise delivery of large
volumes of fluids in trauma. Inject for swift action as required for cardiac life
support procedures. Includes fluid supply bags, replaceable skin, tubing sealant,
needles, one quart of blood, and teaching guide in a hard carry case
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